Trumansburg Rotary Club
- Service Above Self -
- Service Above Self -
Club Executives |
Agenda October 22, 2024 |
President - Pat Jung
President-Elect - Mary Bouchard Immediate Past President - Duran VanDoren Treasurer - Kathleen Overbaugh Secretary - Cindy Kain Youth Exchange - Shelly Bullock |
6:30 dinner and conversation
7:00 opening bell Pledge, sing and words Presentation:
5-Way Test 8:00 Adjourn |
Service Above Self Award Trumansburg Rotary's Service Above Self awards program (click on the blue button for information) is seeking nominations for the current Academic Year to reward and recognize youth who exemplify Rotary's motto, “Service Above Self,” and who live “Rotary's 4-Way Test” in their everyday lives.
Study abroad for a full academic year, attend local schools, experience the local cultures, and live with multiple host families! Watch the video for one student's experience. Click on the blue button for more information. |